Intermediate 50/70 
The Intermediate (50/70) Baseball Division was introduced in January, 2010, as a pilot program for 12- and 13-year-olds which utilizes a 50-foot pitching distance and 70-foot base paths.
The division, which was new division of Little League Baseball in 2013 for players league-age 11-13 with postseason tournament opportunities, including a World Series, offers a transition for players between the standard Little League field size (46-foot pitching distance and 60-foot base paths) and the Junior/Senior field size (60-foot, 6-inch pitching distance and 90-foot base paths).
Regular season players in the Little League Intermediate 50/70 Baseball Division have the opportunity to dual roster, meaning he/she can play in the Little League Major Baseball Division during the same season. Achieving tournament eligibility is possible in either division, but a player must choose one division of play to participate in during the tournament season.
Many of the Junior League rules are used such as runners being permitted to lead off bases, runners may attempt to steal at any time, and allowing an on-deck batter.
The culmination of the International Tournament is the Intermediate (50/70) Baseball World Series, featuring teams from around the world. All expenses for the teams advancing to the World Series (travel, meals and housing) are paid by Little League International.
Parents are strongly encouraged to become involved in this division of Little League. After completing a Little League volunteer application and passing a required national background check, parents may become involved in practices, and be eligible as coaches, managers, umpires, local league board members and other volunteer positions within the league.