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Greater West Melbourne Little League

Greater West Melbourne Little League

Information for the upcoming Season

Whether you're new to the GWMLL or you've been around for a few seasons, below is some information that everyone can use to help get prepared for the upcoming Baseball / Softball Season.

The Spring Season registration starts on Black Friday of the previous year and stays open until evaluations which happen around the second week of January. Practices start in early February and Opening day is usually the first week of March. The Spring Season ends in early May and is followed by our regular season District Tournament and then Allstars.

Registration for the Fall Season starts in early July and closes in early September. Practices start in September with Opening day roughly the third week of September. Fall Ball ends the Saturday before Thanksgiving.

Uniforms & Equipment


In Spring Ball the GWMLL provides a full uniform and charges a higher registration fee.

This includes a: Team Jersey, Pants, Socks & Belt (depending on division) and a cap, visor or bow (depending on division).

In Fall Ball the GWMLL provides only a team Jersey and cap / visor / bow as the registration fees is less and Fall is an instructional season with less emphasis on competition and more attention paid to skills development and teaching the strategy of the game.


Parents are responsible for providing equipment for their player at the start of the season. This includes:

Batters Helmet, Baseball / Softball Glove, Bat (see bat requirements to the right of this article) Cleats and athletic supporter. This equipment is to be used by your player alone and is not meant to be shared with the rest of the team.

The GWMLL provides catchers gear for each team although in higher divisions many players have their own gear.

Volunteer Opportunities

You may not realize it but Little League is a 100% volunteer organization. All Team Parents, Coaches, Managers, Umpires, Board Members & Concession Workers are volunteers and do not receive anything for the time that they donate to the GWMLL.

You as a parent are required also to give a small amount of time each season to serve either in the concession stand, or to help with field prep, to score games or to help work on opening days / nights to help the league operate. Please understand working in the concession stand for 3 hours a season is not a large time commitment but it is the MOST important service that can be done for the league. Without the income made in the concession stand the GWMLL would not be able to operate. The registration fee charged at the beginning of each season does not come close to covering all of the cost to run the league each year. As you may be aware our Board Members give an average of 200 hours per season and Team Managers donate between 100 and 150 hours per season. We're asking you to give us 3 hours. Not too much to ask.

Speaking of Coaches, Managers & Team Parents - we need you to volunteer to coach your players team! Head over to and fill out the form so that you can be properly background checked and approved as a volunteer prior the next season!

Bright Futures: 

Any kids that are in search of Bright Future hours and are at least 13 years of age, are allowed to work in the concession stand and can earn as many hours as they like in a season. We'd love to have your teens cover shifts any day or night that a game is going on. If you have a teen that wants hours please contact Lisa Gates at [email protected]

Parent Involvement

Parents can play many roles in sport: current or former athlete, coach, fan, motivator, role model or critic. A few studies have shown that family members may influence an athlete’s involvement and achievement in sport more than coaches. Parents also are the first and most critical agents at socializing sports.

What you can be doing in your own yard!

Parents - you are the best resource that your player has for "in-between" practices and games to learn grow and practice. Spend a little time outside everyday working with your player to help foster a love for the game and to help sharpen those skills that they're learning on the field.

Here are some specific drills that you can do at home suggested by Little League International:

At Home Drills

TBall & Baseball must use "USA" Bats

The bat must be a baseball bat which meets the USA Baseball Bat standard (USABat) as adopted by Little League. It shall be a smooth, rounded stick, and made of wood or of material and color tested and proved acceptable to the USA Baseball Bat standard (USABat).

Non-wood and laminated bats used in the Little League (Majors) and below, Intermediate (50-70) Division, and Junior League divisions, shall bear the USA Baseball logo signifying that the bat meets the USABat – USA Baseball’s Youth Bat Performance Standard. All BPF – 1.15 bats are prohibited. The bat diameter shall not exceed 2⅝ inches for these divisions of play. Bats meeting the Batted Ball Coefficient of Restitution (BBCOR) standard may also be used in the Intermediate (50-70) Division and Junior League Division. Additional information is available at

USSSA Bats are not permitted for use

Please note that USSSA Bats are not acceptable and shall not be brought onto the field of play or into any dugout.

Bat Sizing

Bat Sizing Information

How to Buy the Right Baseball/Softball Bat Find out how to choose a bat for your upcoming season with this Pro Tips guide. A bat is a must-have piece of equipment for baseball and softball players. But with varying lengths, weights and materials, finding the right one for your skill level and unique swing can be a difficult task. Understanding what to look for when choosing a bat has a few requirements. Your league information, some measurements and your personal taste can help you find a perfect stick for your swing.


Greater West Melbourne Little League
2885 Champions Way 
West Melbourne, Florida 32904

Email: [email protected]

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